The best Java charting tool for presentation, analysis and data visualization on the Internet/Intranet.

EspressChartTM is a set of tools that enables you to easily include dynamic charts in your Java applications and on your Web pages. You can display the chart as a Java applet or gif/JPEG image in your browser. (Note: EspressChart can be used in a servlet to generate gif/JPEG images on the server dynamically.) It is written in 100% pure Java so it is completely platform independent. EspressChart supports JDBC/ODBC for retrieving and plotting data from any database. 

Try our on-line demonstration of EspressChart Designer to experience the power of EspressChart Designer - the only Java charting package on the Web which supports interactive remote chart design using Java enabled browsers. 

EspressChart now includes:

Annotation for Chart Elements: Annotation allows you to attach labels to a particular object, such as a line, a chart etc.. The position of the annotation will be updated relative to the object when data is refreshed

Data Drill-Down: This feature allows you to view another chart that shows the details about a particular data point of interest on a given chart. For each level of drill-down, you only need to design one chart. This is different from hyper-link.

Line Styles for Horizontal and Vertical Lines: EspressChart gives you additional choices in customizing the line style of horizontal and vertical lines. You may use three predefined line styles, SOLID_STYLE, DASH_STYLE and DOTTED_STYLE. You can also define your own line styles.

Parameterized Charts: EspressChart supports an advanced feature that allows you to design a chart based on a SQL statement containing run-time parameters. When the user is viewing the chart, parameter values can be entered as filters such that only selected range of data are retrieved for plotting the chart. This feature is only applicable to charts with a SQL database as the data source. 

Run Time Value Substitution: Espresschart can display informational texts generated at run time when using data drill-down or Parameterized charts. This helps you to identify the values of the parameters or the data points for the drill-down chart.

Swap Primary and Secondary Axis: Primary and secondary axes in combination charts can be interchanged.

Symbols in Legends: Symbols used in charts can be displayed in the legend.

User Configurable Chart-Type Jar Files: This is a powerful feature that allows developers to configure the Jar files based on the chart types required for the applets/application. The result is such that the Jar file size can be reduced whenever possible and hence applet download speed can be improved.

New Features in Chart Server: Chart server gives you the option to buffer data retreived from database for chart viewing. Performance can be greatly improved if data cached in the buffer can be re-used.

Control Line: Constant lines are drawn based on average, minumum, maximum and multiples of standard deviations of data points.

Local Specific Formats: EspressChart has the ability to display date, number, currency and percent formats in a locale specific manner, i.e., the displayed format is dependent on where the chart is generated geographically.
Java Bean Component: EspressChart is now available as a bean component. EspressChart can be used in IDEs such as Visual Cafe' and JBuilder. The bean is available as a jar file, which can be added to the component library and can then be used. A simple click on the bean will give you the ability to create charts visually using Chart Designer.

Time-Series Data Zooming: EspressChart now allows zooming in charts with time/date values in the x-axis. Once a chart's data has been refreshed, you can specify the type of zooming. The aggregate options are min, max, sum, average or count, and you can specify the min and max scale you need for the time/date values on the x-axis. With the zoom options, you can specify the lower bound, upper bound and the scale. Other options such as preserving a linear scale and disabling the lower and/or upper bound(s) are also available. 

Axis Ruler: As you scroll to view a large sized chart, an axis ruler feature provides a reference point to view the axes.  This new axis ruler feature is available for 2D charts, in Chart Viewer and Chart API. 

Origin Shifting: An origin shifting feature has been added to give more control to designers and developers when creating charts. When using the Chart Designer or Chart API, you can specify the origin for the chart. You are now no longer limited to <0,0>. This feature is available to 2D non-stack charts only.

Variable Point Size: The ability to configure point object size for plotting data in both Chart Designer and Chart API is now available.

Histogram: This feature allows you to plot the occurrence counts of values in a given range.

Transpose from a Spreadsheet Format: Data in a spreadsheet format no longer needs to be modified before using in EspressChart. The data from either a database or data file can be automatically transposed into a tabular form for designing a chart.

Spreadsheet Model using MVC (Model-View-Controller) Architecture: EspressChart can now act as a view for a spreadsheet model, when used in an application environment (with the Chart API). The chart automatically reads data from the spreadsheet, and also updates itself to reflect any changes made to the spreadsheet. 

Running Chart Designer as Application: Chart Designer can now be run as an application. This bypasses some of the security restrictions placed by browsers. 

New and Improved API: EspressChart now offers a new object-oriented API for easier programming. Various properties of a chart are now exposed to the user in the form of interfaces. A program can obtain a handle to a property set interface, and then update properties directly by calling methods on this interface.

Customizable Mouse Events: Mouse Events for operations such as dragging, resizing, zooming can now be customized using the Chart API.

EspressChart contains four components: 
Chart Designer For Webmasters to design charts and publish them on the Web easily
Chart API A 2D/3D charting library for programmers
Chart Viewer For end users to view charts dynamically
Chart Server A standalone server that enables transparent database access

Designed from the ground up for the Web, EspressChart is an interactive package that will produce charts direct from database queries and data files. The charts can be displayed and exported in all the standard image formats (such as GIF, JPEG and BMP) or they can be saved in Quadbase' formats (CHT and TPL). These innovative formats allow charts to be posted on Web pages and viewed interactively. Viewers can query data points, and navigate around the chart in real-time. The TPL format allows for dynamic updating of the web pages as the information on the underlying database changes. Every time a new viewer visits the page on which the chart sits, they will see up-to-the-second information generated on the fly! 

EspressChart's three-tier architecture is unique. The Chart Designer component is completely written in Java and runs as an applet in any Web browser. Its simple point-and-click and wizard- based interface generates attractive, professional-looking charts in a matter of seconds. The graphic charting module supports a comprehensive set of chart types in both two and three dimensions The freely available chart viewer applet allows real-time manipulation of colors, fonts, data sets, scales, rotation, and animation. 

Enter Chart Gallery !!

Using Chart Designer, you can design a chart by choosing one of the twelve basic chart types available in both two and three dimensions. You can specify colors, font sizes, chart titles, axis names, and more with Chart Designer. Data for charting can be obtained from a file, or retrieved by executing a query against a specified JDBC data source. With this last approach, all you need to do is to provide a valid SQL select statement. 

You can interactively modify the fonts, color, size, angle, style, the data color (i.e. bar, line etc.), axis color, grid color etc. simply by clicking on the required object and selecting a new value. You can also drag the axis titles, axis labels, chart size, position, legend, main title, top value label etc. around to re-position these objects. Unlike other Web-based charting products which require coding, EspressChart provides an interactive environment that allows you to design and modify charts visually, in a WYSIWYG style. 

When you are done designing a chart, you can use Chart Viewer to view the dynamic chart on a Web page and interact with the chart. Real-time manipulation such as panning, zooming, scaling, translation/rotation, and animation are allowed. You can also export the chart in various formats including GIF, JPEG, BMP and VRML. 

The Chart API enables users to design a chart by programming. Using the API you can quickly draw charts in your applet with as little as one line of code.  Examples can be seen by entering the Chart Gallery.

What are our customers saying about EspressChart? Please check out the success stories.

  • Real 3D Chart (unlike other charting packages that are pseudo 3D) means that you can perform pan, zoom and rotation on all 3D charts through user-friendly navigation controls 
  • Real-time 3D chart animation 
  • Flexible and powerful set of Chart API 
  • Supports independent scaling in the x-, y-, and z-dimensions 
  • Supports user-defined 3D light position. EspressChart can render 3D model in real time when light position change. 
  • Supports Gouraud Shading - an enhanced 3D shading model which only EspressChart supports so far. 
  • Supports user-defined light intensity and ambient color 
  • All components support JDBC / ODBC to dynamically load data 
  • Supports 24 basic chart types and 20 combo chart types 
  • A rich set of chart attributes (more than 240 API properties) to manipulate chart appearances 
  • Easy to use Chart Designer interface can set all 240+ API properties. 
  • Supports various data file input format 
  • Supports user-defined font angle (not only limit to 90, 180, 270, 360) 
  • Arbitrary data plot order for all dimensions defined by the user 
  • User-defined line styles. thickness of axis, grid, data lines and 3D-enhanced point shapes 
  • User-defined axis scales / smart auto axis scale calculation 
  • Supports logarithmic scales for x, y, z axis 
  • Supports null values from database / data file 
  • Supports annotation with additional text objects 
  • Supports annotation with additional polylines 
  • Supports image backgrounds (using either .gif or .jpg files) 
  • Supports modify data source of chart on the fly 
  • Image can be tiled, centered and fit in the chart 
  • Supports numeric value display on top of data values, for all 2D/3D charts 
  • Real-time automatic data updates / refresh from databases through scheduling in chart viewer. 
  • User adjustable bar/line/point/pie thickness 
  • Shading / wireframe / shading with border modes for three-dimensional charts 
  • Supports pre-defined chart templates to import into current design 
  • Exporting to GIF, JPEG, BMP, VRML V2.0, CHT (for Chart Viewer), TPL (chart template) to publish on the Web easily 
  • Unlimited color selection for all attributes through user-friendly visual color selector 
  • Formatting options for displaying numeric, date, time, timestamp, boolean data types through user friendly interface 
  • Supports viewing underlying data simply by clicking on data elements 
  • 3D-effects (raise, lower, shadow) and depth control for legends 
  • Rich set of attributes to manipulate the drawing plot area 
  • Supports HyperLink capabilities through a user friendly interface 
  • Supports image map export when a hyperlink is defined in the chart 
  • All data are encrypted when sent over the Internet 
  • Supports trend line (linear, polynomial interpolation of any degree, cubic B-Spline interpolation, power, exponential, logarithmic, moving average, exponential moving average, triangular moving average) 
  • No limit to the number of trend lines added to the chart 
  • All 2D/3D charts support a secondary data axis (i.e. Combo chart) 
  • Supports push technology to let user push data to chart viewer 
  • Supports dynamically add/remove/modify records to simulate strip chart 
  • Chart server can run as an NT service, which uses conventional ODBC calls (some ODBC drivers doesn't work with JDBC-ODBC bridge but our implementation will work for all cases) 
  • Designer supports viewing of underlying chart data table 
  • Support user-defined horizontal/vertical references line (or plane in 3D chart) 
  • Support printing 
  • Explore yourself... 
Platforms supported are Windows 95/98, Windows NT, Sun Solaris, HP-UX, IBM AIX, IBM AS/400, IBM RS/6000, and IBM OS/390. Web browsers supported include Netscape's Navigator 3.x/4.x, Netscape Communicator 4.x, Microsoft's Internet Explorer 3.x/4.0/5.0, and Sun's Hot Java. Web servers supported include Netscape's fastrack, Microsoft's Internet Information Server, Web Logic, WebSphere, Oracle, Apache and Personal Web server for W95. Development Tools Supported more 

Want to know EspressChart Pricing information? Yes, please!

Look at EspressChart Manual

Download the EspressChart brochure (PDF Format)

Download EspressChart v2.2.1 evaluation copy now with Bubble Charts and Overlay Charts

(If you are running a browser that only supports JDK 1.02, please download an evaluation copy of EspressChart v1.2.) 

To order, please contact our Sales department


Quadbase Systems Inc. provides tools, technologies and services that enable you to establish your E-commerce Web sites, Enterprise Information Portals and to enhance your Internet/Intranet applications.  Founded in 1988, it was one of the first companies that provided full-fledged SQL DBMS technology to PC Users. Today, over 50,000 users worldwide rely on the Quadbase SQL database engine to run their businesses.

 In this global economy, many companies are geographically dispersed.  The need to share timely information within a company and to its customers is crucial.  Quadbase offers solutions to help connect information to those who need it.  With the advent of the Internet, Quadbase believes that the integration of DBMS and Internet technologies offers the engine of growth for the foreseeable future. Leveraging on existing technologies, Quadbase has introduced new products that allow the publishing and distribution of corporate information on the Web. These Web-based tools are designed to quickly access information in relational databases for analysis and decision support. These solutions allow you to access vital business data anytime, anywhere.

Markets and Customers

Quadbase products are targeted at the database and business intelligence market.  The company sells its products to IT departments, Java developers, commercial application software developers and Web/database developers.

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